“In the post-modern reality, a decade is a lifetime. Sterling School of Creative and Performing Arts should act quickly to fashion a story that is an ambitious model about potential, about inventing a new future, creating rather than responding to the status quo. “The School should be part of the agenda that changes the world. Culture is the core, for defining ourselves and others; it is what will have economic meaning in the future. Invest in the intellectual heart and soul of creating the new world. Talk about art and culture and craft and design in your own story within the context of the arts and crafts movement in Sterling School – that is as strong as any other in the country. “Define your richness. Become the community of vision!”

SCPAC offers children, young people and adults, opportunities in the arts. Whatever your age or your interests, whether you want to improve your skills, get involved in a new activity or make new friends there may be something at Sterling Creative & Performing Arts Camp to suit you.

Waiting For You

Prudential Building,Wabera St. Tel: +254-0720-207-733/020-2300653

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